In other news, I did get my hair cut, and I. Love. It. Much better post-salon than last time.
My hair dresser is so funny. He's trying to convince me flat-ironing my hair is "so a year and a half ago" and I should make it wavy with a diffuser and just straighten my bangs. Maybe I'll get a diffuser, depending on the cost, but I'll probably just let most of my hair just chill naturally for the summer. Less wavy than he made it, but still. I guess straightening my hair is kind of like a security blanket, I always know it will look good but really it's more "different" or "rebellious" (hate to use those words...) not to because basically every Abercrombie-wearing classmate of mine flat irons their hair.
And I know I posted two basically identical pictures, but the one with the black background that my brother screwed up had much better contrast because my hair looks like it's the same color as the wood in the second one.
Stay tuned for posts on the new clothes I got thrifting, from Gap & Old Navy (some pretty good stuff for cheap), and if I go to the mall today (can you say mall rat?) I'll take pictures of that too. Also, I have some outfit pics that I would like to post. Anyway, I'll be back!
Your hair looks great!
Wow, that looks so good! I wish I had your hair!
love it! it suits you and it's so in.
your hair looks amazing.
i love your hair. it's like mine, but mine's black. light brown-ish is GEORGEOUS! :)
fantastic hair haha. it looks incredibly rad.
i want your hair, and yeah quit with the flat iron
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