I've been too lazy to take outfit pics after long days at track practice/meets/dance (and I have to work almost all day [9-midafternoon!] at a track meet. Basically I'll sit around, because this is a huge all-Mass. [or something] meet and it's only top two for each event... and I'm third, dammit!). But yeah. Anyway, there are two types of editorials (well, sort of): ones that I can take inspiration from in my outfits because of the way the clothes are styled, and ones that just showcase one absolutely stunning, gorgeous piece that costs a fortune and cannot be replicated, per picture. This is one of the latter. Due to technical difficulties (not again Blogger!) the rest of the photos won't upload/show but you can look at them all here.
i havent been going out anywhere, hence lack of outfit posts for me. hah! these photos are beaaaautiful
i love the fluffy dress.
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