Forever 21 sweater (which this Abercrombie loving girl at my school also has... bet she doesn't know it's Balenciaga *instant fashion superiority*). Topshop jodhpurs. Urban Outfitters scarf. Garment District shoes.
Yes, I'm doing that Balenciaga thing again.... It's unbelievable how big these pants are on me. You can't tell in the picture but the waist is HUGE. I love them anyway.
So, exciting thing happened at my school Friday. I was in the bathroom right before 2nd block, and I hear someone saying something over the loudspeaker. It was our school's principal, who only comes on when something serious is going on, like tomorrow is supposed to be "national skip school day" or something. I don't even really know what he looks like (well we have 6 vice principals you'd have to get through first to see him). But anyway, I can't really hear what he's saying. So I chill in the bathroom for a few more minutes before I go back to class. When I get there, my teacher is asking, "Has there ever been a lockdown before?" I was like, WTF, and I asked him what the announcement was. He said no one's allowed to leave the classroom. Oh great. So class continues, kind of as usual, until one kid sees a police guy with a German shepherd walk by our door. At this point, everyone's like "Drug bust!" So yeah, it was a drug bust. Or supposably, it was to prove that no one in our school did drugs while actually in school. Um, they apparently don't know about the designated pot bathroom. Surprisingly, only one arrest was made, a kid who had a bunch of marijuana in his car, and only one person had weed in his locker. I think this is because 10 people got caught dealing/buying last weekend, 6 from my school and funnily enough 3 or so from the local prep school. But then again George Bush went there, so who knows. Well, Victoria and Tina go there too. I'll have to ask.... It was all quite exciting and hilarious. Not really, but yeah, it was. Figures that the bored "rich" kids in my town are huge druggies XD.
haha, a drug bust at your school! that sounds kind of cool xD
and i adore the outfit. your hair!! it looks awesome.
Rich white kids and weed go together perfectly! I grew up in a privileged neighborhood, and used to smoke weed nearly every day! Didn't stop me from getting into UPenn, and graduating 4th in my class. It's really a shame, these kids lives will be ruined forever because they just wanted to smoke a little pot. I like your outfit by the way, it's very unique. You look like your own person, which is rare these days.
haha sounds fun! Love the sweater!
I'm so use to smelling weed everytime I go to Haight-Ashbury.
they'd have busted a few at my school.
Love the outfit, you can't tell the pants look big. I wish I had some
i LOVE your entire outfit, and your hair looks adorable. just thought i'd let you know :)
lol, it's usually the rich kids that are the worst.
Love the scholar-ly look. Very cool!
hahah phillips andover...yup. i have a friend who goes there. hopefully you don't think it's totally wierd i know the exact school your talking about. i go to a prep school too but not as preppy as either of the phillips in nashua. we're not ALL rich kids haha. but yeah there are alot of druggies.
and yeah you totally have fashion superiority over that girl! she's probably just like "hey it LOOKS like abercrombie" haha. :)
Nice outfit! That's a very dangerous topic to write about, colleges look at people's blogs these days. (Don't think I'm saying you shouldn't write what you want about on your blog, quite the contrary! I would just die of embarrassment if a potential college saw that my school was full of druggies.
It's weird how lock downs are a common enough occurrence at my old high school, that no one even thinks twice when one happens. Congrats on your first ahah
yeah we have lockdowns sometimes...the dogs come ahuntin! its kinda fun if you aren't in a horrible class.
if they only got caught with pot, then the rich kids really aren't that bad
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