American Eagle tank top. Skirt sewn by me. Thrifted hat. Forever 21 socks. Topshop flats.
Though bandage skirts have been quite popular lately, fuller skirts have been getting a lot of love too.
You can actually submit more than one outfit to the Teen Vogue contest! I'm entering some new ones, which I'll post on soon. And my original outfit. No way I'll win, but please comment it anyway :P.\
Edit: Oh crap, I read the rules incorrectly... and I just entered like five other outfits! Oh well... um please comment anyway....
Wow those shoes are so appropriate! Love the socks...
The color choice reminds me of Gryffinder :) Yay! Not to sound creepy, but you have a nice figure. I'm jealous!
By the way, did you still want to exchange links?
so cute!!! I love the color palette and your hat!! with your gorgeous hair! gluck with the teenvogue contest :D
Cute outfit!! I love those shoes with the socks! Must. Copy. NOWW!
heh heh jk of course! XDD
the skirt and its color are lovely.
love the blog.
I really like those socks with the skirt. And those colours look good on you too.
Also, nice post title.
so cute!
wow you are by far the best female dresser i've ever seen! wish you were my girlfriend:)
love James
wow i love your style, you are the best female dresser i've ever seen! wish you were my girlfriend;)
love james
Love the skirt ! Looks like Childhood Flames !
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